9 Steps to Launching a Successful Evaluation Round with YouNoodle

Published in
3 min readSep 25, 2023


It requires meticulous planning, thoughtful configuration, and an organized approach to create an effective evaluation process. Whether you run an innovation challenge, a startup competition, or any other entrepreneurship program that involves assessing applications, you need a framework to ensure a seamless and unbiased evaluation process.

Here is YouNoodle's comprehensive guide to help get you set up and ready for the launch of a successful evaluation round:

1. 👩‍⚖️ Recruit Expert Judges:

Judge recruitment takes time, and we recommend starting the process as early as possible. Try selecting judges who are well-versed in the industry or area of the competition. By using subject-matter experts, you ensure applications are evaluated fairly. If feedback is integral to your program, having judges who can provide constructive feedback in the native language of your applicants is crucial.

2. 💻 YouNoodle Platform Configuration:

  • Define the timeline of the evaluation round and configure the deadline.
  • Create clear and specific evaluation criteria tailored to the goals of your competition.
  • Define your rating scale to standardize evaluation rounds.
  • Enable feedback option, when applicable, allowing judges to provide valuable insights.

3. ⚙️Design Evaluation Process:

  • Screening Phase: Implement a preliminary screening to eliminate ineligible applications before the expert evaluation round(s).
  • Reduce Bias: Assign a minimum of three judges to evaluate each application.
  • Pro tip: Our auto-assign feature can help you seamlessly assign judges to applications, saving you hours of manual work.

4. 🔬 Testing Is Essential:

Before launching any evaluation round, your internal team should test it to ensure judges see the correct content and the evaluation and navigation run smoothly. Testing minimizes potential glitches during the actual evaluation round and helps give judges a better experience.

5. ⏰ Allow for Flexibility in Timeline:

Build flexibility into your timeline to accommodate any unforeseen delays. Buffer time gives you extra days if you need to extend your program deadline or give judges additional time during the judging phase to ensure quality scoring and feedback without any rushed decisions.

6. 🧐Prepare for the Unexpected:

As a rule of thumb, always count on having a list of crunch-time judges who can step in if any of your judges do not complete their assigned applications. Crunch-time judges safeguard against delays in the evaluation process and help you stay on track with the timeline.

7. ⚖️ Consistency and Fairness:

Standardize the evaluation process to ensure a fair evaluation across all the applications. Clear instructions and a well-structured judging form will help prevent judge confusion and discrepancies.

8. 🧑‍🏫 Educate Judges Through Webinars:

Host a comprehensive training session for judges before the launch of the evaluation round. Explain the assessment criteria, application expectations, and the evaluation process performed on the platform. Address any evaluation or technical questions to ensure everyone is aware of the task at hand.

9. 🗣️ Real-time Communication:

Always provide a communication channel for judges to seek clarification and assistance during the evaluation round. Additionally, you can use our email scheduling feature to remind judges about deadlines or other important information.

By incorporating these best practices into your evaluation rounds, we know you will see a significant difference in the quality of judge assessments and the overall success of your program execution. Through timely expert recruitment, proper training, and a strategic configuration, you will create a process that fosters fair evaluations, provides meaningful feedback, and successful outcomes for all the involved parties.

If you have further questions regarding how to implement any of these practices within your competition, please contact our support team at support@younoodle.com.

Are you creating a competition from scratch? YouNoodle is here to help! Email us at sales@younoodle.com, and one of our team members will follow up on your request shortly.

